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Home Delivery

We have our own vehicles and staff to provide milk and milk products at their doorstep. Customers can order milk and milk products from home by placing order on phone.

Milk Membership

We issue prepaid membership cards or generate QR codes to promote cashless transactions and provide better services to our customers.
This card or QR code is issued to our customers from our delivery executive after they submit necessary information like their name, address, mobile number etc., and deposit the required amount (in advance).
Using this card, the customer’s information and transaction records are kept on our secure online data management system. Our delivery staff scans the QR code and delivers the product of “24K Milk” as required by the customer.
After making a payment customers can check their balance and their complete transaction details will be made available on their app.
You can download our app “24kmilk” from (Google) Play Store.